Are you getting the best deal possible for car insurance? How would you know if you were not? Is there anything you can do to get a better price than you are getting right now?
These are all very good questions and need to be asked by more consumers. Many are happy with what they have now because they have not had any problems with their current company. Many of those same people have never even used their car insurance. Nothing wrong with never making a claim, but being loyal to a company that has only taken your money efficiently is not good common sense. The other problem with that mindset is that you could be throwing away hundreds of dollars a year for nothing. There are plenty of good companies out there that provide excellent service for a fair price. Below are 3 things you can do today to make sure you are getting the best deal on your car insurance.
1. Shop around. Independent agencies provide a wide range of options for your car insurance. With multiple carriers to choose from, independent agencies can provide you with multiple quotes. With so many options you can usually find the right coverage at an excellent price. You can also get quotes from other carriers, besides independent agencies, just to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck.
2. Be a discount hunter. There are discounts that many consumers know nothing about. For example, there are companies that provide discounts for the following non-driving factors: education level, type of employment, grades of your teenager, homeownership, multiple cars, years with previous insurer, and more. Contact your current insurer to make sure you are getting all the discounts you deserve. And if you get quotes from other carriers, make sure you give them all the information that they request.
3. Take care of your finances. Most insurance carriers will use an insurance score as part of the rating process. An insurance score is similar to your credit rating. If you are not paying your bills on time, your rates could suffer. If you want the best possible price, you'll want to have an excellent credit score.
Follow these 3 steps and you'll be well on your way to getting the best deal on your car insurance. Remember: start the process by contacting an independent agent and then go from there.